The sight is, more than the other senses, close to the mind and the conscience and for this reason it expresses one component of which we are generally aware. For many cultures the eye represents "the mirror of the soul" because it reflects in an immediate way our emotional nuances, even the most intimate ones.
A look is worth a thousand words and in fact, with our eyes we not only look, but communicate moods and we manifest our character. Here then the direction becomes significant of the look, its intensity, its movements and many other features that contribute to projecting our person into the outside world. The most skeptical can say that each of us he uses a mask and therefore what others see of us is filtered and does not correspond to the truth. Others they claim that one can not lie with one's eyes. Fixing all this in a portrait is a lot complex but worth trying.
A look is worth a thousand words and in fact, with our eyes we not only look, but communicate moods and we manifest our character. Here then the direction becomes significant of the look, its intensity, its movements and many other features that contribute to projecting our person into the outside world. The most skeptical can say that each of us he uses a mask and therefore what others see of us is filtered and does not correspond to the truth. Others they claim that one can not lie with one's eyes. Fixing all this in a portrait is a lot complex but worth trying.
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