L’assistenza come sistema. Dal controllo sociale agli apparati previdenziali: San Marino tra età moderna e contemporanea (Collana sammarinese di studi storici)
Nel corso dell’età moderna i meccanismi assistenziali, sotto la spinta di una povertà sempre più diffusa e appariscente, subiscono delle profonde trasformazioni. Da un’assistenza a carattere privato ed episodico, basata sulla beneficenza, gestita da corporazioni, confraternite, ospizi ed ordini religiosi, si passa a forme di intervento più stabili ed organiche, come risultato di un impegno pubblico e laico da parte di organi di governo cittadini o dei primi apparati statali. L’approdo di questo processo è la nascita, tra XIX e XX secolo, del moderno Stato sociale, che implica la crescente assunzione di ogni responsabilità nei confronti di poveri e bisognosi da parte degli enti pubblici. San Marino si inserisce in questo contesto con caratteri propri. È il notabilato locale, saldamente al potere, in grado di controllare tutte le istituzioni repubblicane, che gestisce direttamente anche la beneficenza, in quanto fonte di consenso e di legittimazione politica. Tra la fine dell’Ottocento e i primi decenni del XX secolo, grazie al nuovo clima politico che caratterizza la Repubblica, anche il sistema assistenziale di San Marino approda alla definitiva formulazione di un Welfare State che non si limita ad offrire semplici sussidi, ma che prevede forme stabili di previdenza e di assicurazione sociale. Il titolo del volume allude a quelle attività assistenziali che nel corso del tempo assumono, seppur molto lentamente, una configurazione “di sistema”. È abbastanza chiaro ed evidente come queste ultime non abbiano ancora, in età moderna, un simile carattere. Ciò che si vuole raccontare è proprio il percorso che da tale mancanza di organicità conduce alla piena formulazione dell’assistenza come sistema in sé, che negli anni del secondo dopoguerra assume i connotati di un vero e proprio modello.
As poverty became more and more conspicuous and widespread during the early modern period, there were fundamental changes in the way assistance was given. There was a move from private, sporadic relief work, based on charity and run by guilds, confraternities, poorhouses and religious orders, towards a more stable and systematic kind of intervention as a result of public and secular commitment on the part of citizen government bodies and the early state of organizations. This process eventually led to the beginning or the modern welfare state in the years from the XIX to the XX century, which meant that public authorities took on an ever-increasing responsability for the poor and needy. San Marino dealt with the situation in this context in its own way. Local important people, securely in power and able to control all the institutions of the Republic, were also in charge of charity as it was a way of gaining consensus and political legitimacy. At the end of the XIX century and in the first of th XX century, thanks to the new political climate which characterized the Republic, the social assistance system in San Marino ultimately led to the developement ao a wwlfare state which was not limited to offering simple handouts, but which provided more stable forms of public welfare and social security. The title of this book alludes to the kind of social welfare activities tha, with time, albeit very slowly, took on the characterised of a “system”. It is quite clear and evident that this was not yet the case in the early modern period. The intention is to show the path that led from a complete lack os structural organization to the development of walfare work as a system in itself, that in the years after the Second Warld War became a real model.
Augusto Ciuffetti è ricercatore di storia economica presso il Dipartimento di scienze economiche e sociali dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche. È direttore della rivist [...]
As poverty became more and more conspicuous and widespread during the early modern period, there were fundamental changes in the way assistance was given. There was a move from private, sporadic relief work, based on charity and run by guilds, confraternities, poorhouses and religious orders, towards a more stable and systematic kind of intervention as a result of public and secular commitment on the part of citizen government bodies and the early state of organizations. This process eventually led to the beginning or the modern welfare state in the years from the XIX to the XX century, which meant that public authorities took on an ever-increasing responsability for the poor and needy. San Marino dealt with the situation in this context in its own way. Local important people, securely in power and able to control all the institutions of the Republic, were also in charge of charity as it was a way of gaining consensus and political legitimacy. At the end of the XIX century and in the first of th XX century, thanks to the new political climate which characterized the Republic, the social assistance system in San Marino ultimately led to the developement ao a wwlfare state which was not limited to offering simple handouts, but which provided more stable forms of public welfare and social security. The title of this book alludes to the kind of social welfare activities tha, with time, albeit very slowly, took on the characterised of a “system”. It is quite clear and evident that this was not yet the case in the early modern period. The intention is to show the path that led from a complete lack os structural organization to the development of walfare work as a system in itself, that in the years after the Second Warld War became a real model.
Augusto Ciuffetti è ricercatore di storia economica presso il Dipartimento di scienze economiche e sociali dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche. È direttore della rivist [...]
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