Electric Tyler: Tyler
Un noto poker player di Texas Hold’em, viene colpito all’unisono da tre fulmini. Acquisendo la facoltà di “viaggiare” nei cavi elettrici. Il suo potere viene messo a disposizione dei Servizi Segreti Italiani, collaborando per combattere il terrorismo internazionale, la criminalità organizzata. Parallelamente si svolge la storia d’amore con la donna della sua vita, Isabel.
A well-known poker player of Texas Hold'em, is in unison hit by three lightning. Acquiring the ability to "travel" in electrical cables. His power is made available to the Italian intelligence agencies, working together to combat international terrorism, organized crime. In parallel there is the romance with the woman of his life, Isabel.
A well-known poker player of Texas Hold'em, is in unison hit by three lightning. Acquiring the ability to "travel" in electrical cables. His power is made available to the Italian intelligence agencies, working together to combat international terrorism, organized crime. In parallel there is the romance with the woman of his life, Isabel.
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