My Shortest Book: (ITALIAN VERSION): "Why Making Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior Was the Best Decision of My Life!" (Doc Oliver's Human Behavior Investigation Series.)


My Shortest Book: "Why Making Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior Was the Best Decision of My Life!"

In a short, to the point, easy to read book, learn the actual story of Dr. Martin W. Oliver PhD and his search to find meaning, purpose and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In Dr. Oliver's own words: "I studied the lives of the rich and poor, the wise and the foolish, the diligent and lazy, handsome and ugly, the religious and the non religious, the famous and the infamous." "It was not until meeting Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior that I discovered the glorious Messiah and total fulfillment. I also discovered the real meaning of Life, my purpose and vocational calling."

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