Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances (English Edition)

In Trigger Warning, global phenomenon and Sunday Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman returns to dazzle, captivate, haunt, and entertain with this third collection of short fiction, which includes a Doctor Who adventure, the David Bowie-inspired The Return of the Thin White Duke and a never-before published American Gods story, Black Dog.

The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains was serialised on BBC Radio 4's Book at Bedtime in November 2015.

'We are all wearing masks. That is what makes us interesting. These are stories about those masks, and the people we are underneath them.' Neil Gaiman, writing from a cabin in the dark woods.

Make sure you secure your own mask before reading. Before being transported to worlds filled with witches, watchers and big black bees, with deathless Kin and pirate girls, with things that prowl in the darkness beyond the circle fire, to find the Shadder lurking at your journey's end. But then what happens? There's always something waiting for you. There's always more. Just keep turning the pages.

'We each have our little triggers.'

Literary alchemy from 'a writer of rare perception and endless imagination' (William Gibson), TRIGGER WARNING is a cornucopia of storytelling: horror and ghost stories, science fiction and fairy tales, fabulism and poetry. It will open your eyes to the inexhaustible supply of darkness around you, the magic and the monsters, the myths and the miracles, and to finding truths in the most extraordinary of places.

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Altri libri di Neil Gaiman

Buona Apocalisse a tutti!

Buona Apocalisse a tutti! di Neil Gaiman MONDADORI

Presi separatamente Terry Pratchett e Neil Gaiman sono due semidivinità letterarie. Ma basta metterli insieme perché scoppi l'inferno! Sulla base delle profezie di Agnes Nutter, Strega, messe per iscritto nel 1655, il mondo finirà sabato prossimo. È per questo motivo che le temibili armate del Bene e del Male si stanno ammassando, che i Quattro Motociclisti dell'Apocalisse stanno scaldando i ...

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Norse Mythology Illustrated Edition

Norse Mythology Illustrated Edition di Neil Gaiman

Odino il padre-di-tutto, Thor e Loki, dee, giganti e nani, incantesimi e tradimenti - tutto ciò che è vita è qui, nel mondo ricco e sanguinario, vivido e vitale dei grandi miti del Nord. Queste storie avvincenti sono pietre miliari del nostro immaginario e della nostra cultura, dalla narrativa fantasy alle saghe dei supereroi. Miti del Nord, dopo il clamoroso successo ...

How the Marquis Got His Coat Back (English Edition)

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A Neverwhere short story from one of the brightest, most brilliant writers of our generation - the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author of the award-winning The Ocean At the End of the Lane. The coat. It was elegant. It was beautiful. It was so close that he could have reached out and touched it. And it was unquestionably his . *** 'Gaiman's achievement is to make...

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Sandman volume 5: Il Gioco della Vita di Neil Gaiman

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Sandman volume 1: Preludi e notturni di Neil Gaiman

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